What Happened To Radha In The End?How Did Radha Died

How did Radha died: Radha Krishna is a wonderful form of love. They show us a unique form of love. Which is absolutely sacred. Through them we come to know many forms of love. Because whenever you think of Radha Krishna, tell me what comes first in your mind? Just like friendship, the sweet sound of Krishna’s flute is seen in everyone’s mind which attracts everyone towards itself. One of those people was Radha who was attracted everywhere after listening to Kanha’s Basuri. Despite worldly pleasures, both Radha and Krishna were worshipers of love.

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Friends, if we talk about the last days of Radha Rani, it is believed that she had gone to Dwarka to meet Lord Shri Krishna during her last days. And she met Krishna after a long time. In which both of them were very happy. It had been many years since they both met. Due to which there was no limit to his happiness. After this meeting, Lord Shri Krishna had asked Radha Rani ji to stay in his palace. And Radha also used to live here.

After some time passed happily like this, Radha started feeling that a lot of time had passed since she lived in the palace. Now then here he realized that now it has been a long time, Krishna will not be able to get the love of Satyabhama and Rukmini from the love of Radha and Krishna. After which she felt that she no longer wanted to stay here because her attention would be on Krishna only when she was away from him. After which she thought of going away from there.

Thinking this, she goes back to Vrindavan, away from Krishna’s palace without saying anything. And while staying there, she meditates in the love of Krishna. But now Radha’s last time is very near. Krishna had also realized this. After which Krishna remembers that he had promised Radha that he would be with Radha in her last days. After which Krishna reached Radha without any delay, and Radha became very emotional after seeing the queen.

Due to which he tried to know his wish from Radha but initially Radha did not say anything. Later, on Krishna’s insistence, Radha told Krishna that she wanted to spend the same time with Krishna as she used to spend with Krishna in Vrindavan in her childhood. Wants to hear the tune of his sweet flute. Like she used to do before.

Hearing this, Krishna immediately starts playing his flute. Now Radha loses herself in her love for Krishna. Radha merges with Krishna. In this scene, Radha and Krishna are looking into each other’s eyes. There are tears of love for each other in the eyes of both of them. They are reliving all their old memories of Vrindavan. They were both happy for each other and at the same time sad at the situation.
In this way, Radha refreshed all her old memories with Krishna and took her last breath in the arms of her beloved Krishna. Hearing the sound of his sweet flute, Li stayed with her Kanha. Seeing such condition of Radha, there was no stopping the tears in Krishna’s eyes. And when Radha breathed her last, Krishna lost his most precious thing. He lost his two favorite things at that time. One is Radha and the other is flute.

These two things were very dear to Krishna. After Radha’s death, Krishna broke his flute with his own hands. Because he was very sorry for Radha’s departure. Due to which he felt very sad at that time. After the death of Radha, Lord Shri Krishna remained on earth for a very short time. His last work was the war of Mahabharata. After which he left the earth.

mahamrityum jai mantra

Author: Allinesureya

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