What Is Mystery Of Kailash Parvat

What Is Mystery Of Kailash Parvat: Mount Kailash, located in the sacred mountains of the Himalayas, becomes a sacred religious site for many religions. Apart from Hinduism, there is a holy place of Buddhism, Jainism and Bon religion here. And this mountain, due to its geographical features and religious importance, has been attracting people for centuries.

According to Hinduism, Mount Kailash is considered to be the abode of Lord Shiva, whereas in Buddhism, Mount Kailash is considered to be Mount Meru. If Mount Kailash is seen from height, its peak appears to be almost in the shape of a complete pyramid, which is almost the same distance from all four sides. Lakhs of pilgrims visit Mount Kailash every year but till now no one has climbed to the peak of Mount Kailash. According to many beliefs, it is said that this mountain is considered prohibited for climbing.

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What is the story behind Kailash Parvat?

The sacred Kailash range, considered the abode of Lord Shiva and Mother Parvati in Hinduism, is 30 million years old, which was formed in the early stages of the formation of the Himalayan Mountains. Its highest peak is 6,675 meters high.

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What is under Kailash?

Inside Mount Kailash are two most beautiful lakes, Manasarovar and Rakshas Tal. Both the lakes are situated at the base of Mount Kailash. Lake Manasarovar which is situated at an altitude of 14,950 feet (4,590 m) is also considered to be the highest and fresh water body in the world.

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Author: Allinesureya

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